The renowned betting enterprise, Parimatch, has joined forces with WeHelpUkrainians, an organization dedicated to aiding Ukrainians in distress, to back the Ukraine Hospital Appeal. This appeal seeks to amass a considerable sum to assist those impacted by the Russian incursion into Ukraine.
The collected funds will be allocated to furnishing medical assistance to pediatric hospitals in Ukraine, including the Lviv Children’s Hospital. This endeavor is endorsed by Dr. Owase Jeelani, a distinguished pediatric neurosurgeon affiliated with the renowned Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London. He is also actively involved in the Gemini Untwined charity, which focuses on providing aid to conjoined twins.
The Ukraine Hospital Appeal has three primary objectives: to accumulate funds for the Lviv Children’s Hospital, to establish communication pathways between Ukrainian and British medical teams, and to supply medical personnel and equipment to hospitals in Ukraine.
Numerous British partners have already contributed a significant quantity of medical equipment to the Lviv Children’s Hospital.
Katerina Biloruska, the head of the Parimatch Foundation, conveyed their unwavering commitment to aiding injured children and providing support to Ukrainian medical professionals.
Metropolitan areas such as Lviv in the western part of Ukraine have transformed into centers for humanitarian aid and logistics, striving to safeguard lives and extend a welcoming hand to internally displaced individuals.
To provide succor to Ukrainian children and women, we have initiated this fundraising endeavor in collaboration with medical professionals and have garnered backing from compassionate partners across the globe. We implore all those residing in the free and civilized world to join our endeavors.
Parimatch Ukraine has taken decisive actions in response to the ongoing conflict.
Earlier this month, in the wake of the Russian incursion into Ukraine, Parimatch severed its brand affiliation with Russia. Parimatch had been conducting business in Russia through Betring LLC.
Upon withdrawing, Parimatch declared that it had allocated 30 million Ukrainian hryvnias to furnish essential resources for those engaged in the defense of Ukraine. Parimatch subsequently announced a doubling of this sum to 60 million Ukrainian hryvnias (1.5 million pounds/1.8 million euros/2 million dollars).
Last month, the operator terminated its association with the Russian esports team Spirit.
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